The package name is the name of a package application. Every application has a package name for the installation application to a device. You can change the package name of the application by running a command in the terminal. If you open the source code without visual studio code, you can just open the command prompt and change the directory of your command prompt to your root source code folder. Then, you can type the command at the terminal or command prompt. The command is “flutter pub run change_app_package_name:main ‘PACKAGE NAME’”. You can change the ‘PACKAGE NAME’ with your package name (don’t forget to remove the quotes). For example: com.revoapps.pos.
And don’t forget to change the application name. You need to change it by editing two files. The first one is in AndroidManifest.xml file in the android folder. The directory is android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml. After you open the file, find android:label and change the value into your application name.
The second file is main.dart file in lib folder. The directory is lib/main.dart. After you open the file, find “title” and change the value with your application name. If it’s to hard find it, you can just press “Ctrl + F” for a Windows device and “command + F” for a Mac device.