Upload to Play Store you need the app bundle application (.aab). After you get the appbundle file, open browser and go to Play Store developer website. This is the link “play.google.com/console”. Login with your Play Store account to upload the application. After login, you need to create apps first in order to open the dashboard page.
In the dashboard page, you need to scroll down until see “Set up your app” part. There are some tasks need to be finished or answer. Answer all tasks and you can upload your application bundle.
Answer in order so you don’t miss it. First you need to have privacy policy url your application. Copy the privacy policy url your application so its not wrong. Input the privacy policy url at column privacry url and click “Save” on the right bottom. After that you can get back to dashboard page again.
Second step is fill the app access. You can choose “All or some functionality is restricted” option. That will be appear “Add new instructions” and you must give them dummy account for testing.
After you apply the instructions, you can back to dashboard page to fill another tasks. Select “No, my app does not contain ads” option in the ads task section. Don’t forget to save it and back to dashboard page.
After that, choose content rating tasks and start the questionnaire. In first section, input the email address and choose “All Other App Types” for category then Next. In second section, just choose “No” options for all questions and press “Save” then Next. It will be to summary of content rating and please submit it.
After you submit the task, you can back to dashboard page and choose next task. Target age task is the task will show what age your application is intended for. We suggest to choose 16-17 and 18 over. After that you can next the section and answer the question then next to summary section. Don’t forget to save the task and back to dashboard page.
For next tasks, you can choose news app and choose “No” option for the question. Because this app nothing news to show. You can save and back to dashboard page. After that, for covid-19 task, choose “My app is not a publicly available COVID-19 contact tracing or status app” option and save the task then back to dashboard page. Next task is data safety, you can import from CSV file which you can download from this link : bit.ly/3OWUISZ . After you import the CSV file, you can next the section untill preview and save the task.
After you finish the tasks, you can choose “Select an app category and provide contact details” task. That task will be open Store settings page. You can choose app category with yours, or choose App and Shopping. No need to insert tags. Scroll down the page, you will see form Store listing contact details, only email address needed to fill and click save. Back to dashboard page again to finish the last task.
Choose the last task, “Set up your store listing”. That task will open App details page. There are some form needed to answer. Fill your app name, short description, and full description will appear at play store when somebody want to donwload your apps. Upload your app icon, feature graphic (banner at Play Store), and your apps screenshot (minimum : 2). After you finish, you can save the task.
After that, you back to dashboard page and choose production menu. This menu used for upload your application bundle. Before you upload the bundle, don’t forget to choose countries / regions your apps can be download.
Choose countries what you want or you can choose country with check the country choice. After you check the country, you can add countries / regions. It will show which countries can download your apps.
Back to production page, you choose create new release to upload your app bundle. After you choose that, you will be directed to create production release page where you can upload your app bundle. Beside that, you need to fill release notes and don’t fill the release name, because that will be automatically filled when your upload application bundle(.aab) finished. After that you can press “Review Release” at right bottom page and you can next untill the apps will be review by Play Store team.